Fall can feel in fast forward sometimes - with festivals, farmer markets, costume parties, and more, the weekends fill up and breeze by as quickly as the leaves turn and fall from the trees.
Sometimes we might feel like we just want to take a little pause and appreciate the seasonal shift and stare into the clouds. For those times when you can't get outside and daydream into the clouds, try this quick, fun, and easy painting project as the next best thing.

Loose watercolor paper or sketchbook
Watercolor paint
Larger size brushes in various styles
Paper towel

A little time to take a couple deep breaths - maybe even while looking up at the clouds.
This could be done completely outdoors, or simply out a window.

Wet a brush and choose a color of paint. Make a blob of any sort and in any way you feel like with that particular brush.
Fill the paper with blots and blobs of color randomly. Don't over think it, just let the paint roll on the paper however it happens.

Try loosening up on the brush by using your non dominant hand or holding it up near the end rather than down by the bristles if you like.
When the paper is full, let the paint fully dry.

Then, return to your shapes and gaze at them as if you were gazing up into the clouds looking for shapes and images. Try to clear your mind of expectation and see what pops into your drifty thoughts.
Approach it like a daydream.
Use the pens to draw a few details into your paint blots to illustrate the shapes that revealed themselves to you!

Don't worry about being exact, or drawing perfect creatures or masterpieces. Just relax and go with the flow.
Be silly & Have fun with it! This is an exercise in loosening up to process and imagination.